Friday, September 30, 2011

Apricots or Avocados?

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.” –Helen Keller

Friends and family are suffering.
Friends and family are hurting.
Friends and family are fearful.
Friends and family are worrying.
Friends and family are wondering.
Friends and family are fighting.
Friends and family are hoping.
Friends and family are sore.
Friends and family are aching.
Friends and family are anxious.
Friends and family are being tormented.
Friends and family are praying.
Friends and family are in a battle.

For our battle is not against flesh and blood……..

I have a secret confession. I hate that the “armor of God” passage seems to be reserved for the Children’s Department in a church.

Geez people! We are in a battle! If you don’t believe me… count the casualties!

Belt of truth. Breastplate of righteousness. Feet of readiness. Shield of faith. Helmet of salvation. Sword of the Spirit.

Sorry to be a terrible ex-pastor again, but all that is well and good but it just sounds so abstract and vague. Lets be honest… a suit of armor sounds pretty ridiculous.

So let’s put the image of a suit of armor away and just look at what is there. Seek truth, goodness, alertness, trust in God and only fight the battles using the Word and words of God.

Here’s my point. I am sick and tired of suffering. But I am more sick and tired of people not overcoming it. Thanks Helen Keller.

I think its time to exercise the demons that chase us, break the legs that kick us when we are down and put up a fight for the things that are important to us. Boom.

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